- Ernst Wilhelm NayExhibition catalogueAurel Scheibler, Berlin and Verlag der Buchhandlungen Walther König, Cologne2019----------
- Peter CainExhibition catalogueAurel Scheibler, Berlin & Matthew Marks Gallery, New York2005----------
- Christoph WeddingExhibition catalogueAurel Scheibler & Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln2006----------
- Stefan LöffelhardtExhibition catalogueBeate Ermacora, New York2009----------
- Stefan LöffelhardtMonographAurel Scheibler, Berlin & Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln2008----------
- Dan McCarthyExhibition catalogueAurel Scheibler, Köln & Anton Kern, New York2003----------
- Jack PiersonArtist bookIrish Museum of Modern Art, Frankfurter Kunstverein & Edition Stemmle AG2008----------
- Ernst Wilhelm NayExhibition catalogueErnst Wilhelm Nay Stiftung2012----------
- Ernst Wilhelm NayMonographHrsg. E. W. Nay Stiftung, bearbeitet von Magdalene Claesges2012----------
- Ernst Wilhelm NayExhibition catalogueAurel Scheibler, Berlin and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln2016----------
- Jack PiersonArtist bookPowerhouse Books und Thea Westreich, New York & Aurel Scheibler, Köln1995----------
- Jack PiersonArtist bookPowerhouse Books, Thea Westreich, Aurel Scheibler Cologne1995----------
- Bridget RileyExhibition catalogueAurel Scheibler & Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin2007----------
- Claudia SchinkArtist bookStädtische Galerie Wolfsburg & Stadtmuseum Siegburg2002----------
- David SchutterExhibition catalogueAurel Scheibler, Berlin2007----------
- Peter StaussArtist bookAurel Scheibler, Köln2002----------
- Erwin WurmExhibition catalogueMuseum Moderne Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Vienna2006----------
Ernst Wilhelm Nay: Werkverzeichnis. Aquarelle - Gouachen - Zeichnungen. Band 1
The three-volume catalogue raisonné of the works on paper by E. W. Nay (1902–1968) will provide art historians, art dealers, and every art lover with a long-awaited chance to survey Nay’s oeuvre and gain an understanding of his art.
With more than six thousand watercolors, gouaches, and drawings, Nay’s works on paper far outnumber his oil paintings. He was an indefatigable artist who persistently put down on paper his ideas about form and color. The sheaves embody a “journal” of his work and allow the reader to draw conclusions about his work methods. While they document the processes behind his artistic activities and research, these works are at the same time autonomous creations. They impressively elucidate the artist’s ambition and development.
The catalogue raisoné is published in German
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